Games | Sidney Sacchi


Category: The Tiny Button

Day 9: From rooms to Fungus!

Today after I finished some amendments to some rooms, I’ve finally started to watch Fungus tutorials and I’ve started some preliminary tests for the game. The tutorials are very easy to follow and to apply but, as always, I try to do more than I actually know! I have to activate my relax mode, I guess!

I’ve amended the boy’s room due to some copyrighted material I’ve chosen as a tribute. Now I hope to have avoided any problem! And now let’s go back to Fungus and Unity to do some coding.


Day 8: Welcome Maggie (draft)!

Today I’ve started the draft and the walkcycle of the girl character (maybe I’m going to call her Maggie). For timing reasons I’ve started to draw from the boy’s frames template. I hope to finish the sprite and the walkcycle tomorrow then try to spend the weekend’s free time for first Unity/Fungus steps!

In the meanwhile, give a warm welcome to Maggie (draft!)!



Day 7 (yesterday): Shop “room” fixes and the shopkeeper

Shop Room

Yesterday I finally finished the shop “room” and the shopkeeper.  The shop is ridiculously small due to perspective reasons as the outside appears small as well. The shopkeeper is a static sprite because I think I will not animate it.


I hope you enjoy it!

(Is the shopkeeper familiar? 🙂 )


Day 6: two rooms and a third to come

Yesterday I’ve finished the “room” of the second outside scene and today I’ve started and finished the first indoor room: the child room. This one has some tribute “hidden” elements, so, hey, let’s spot them! At moment I’ve started the second inside room: the shop and I’ve intentionally reduced the size of the viewing area due to a perspective coherence. I hope to make a decent job and then go next to the, maybe, last “room” of the third outside scene and then go through development on Unity and Fungus to melt both graphics and sprites.

I hope you like it!


Day 4: Choosing locations

After a self brain storming I decided about 7-8 main locations to choose from but I need to reduce the selection till max of 5 main locations:

  • 2 indoor
  • 3 outdoor

Initially I thought to set the game in the city of Bruges but after few days I changed my mind to set the locations in my birth city: Naples, Italy.

Now it’s better for me if I start to pixel some location “room”!


Day 3: Mommy time!

Today I’ve started to sketch the child’s mom and her relative walk path animation. I’m very slow and inaccurate in coloring, perspective and animation steps… I usually write html/css code so sketching, pixeling and animating is not properly my skill area, even if I’d like!

So here she is (lousy resized), my first attempt to mom character: Roberta!


Give her a warm welcome please, she’s a lady! 🙂


Child walk cycle mod: the unblocked pelvis!


Fast walking child, with an unblocked pelvis! Great pixel art here, really… (self-irony mode: on!)

After previous post publishing I decided to edit the animation to bring some movement to the pelvis area too because it was like a fixed block and looks very weird. Now I’ve tried to add and remove some pixels here and there hoping for a better result. At least now seems more fluid and walk-a-like nearly springing head!

Any suggestions for the t-shirt theme? 🙂
Put your suggestion in comment box below, thanks!